Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The similarities between the Lincoln and Kennedy Assassinations

Now I know that there are alot of similarities between the two as well as between the two assassinations. Some people say it is just a coincidence that there are all these similarities and also some say that there aren't as many as people claim there are or according to snopes that is but I for one beg to differ on that. Now I know that I am not big on conspiracy's but this one I am. There just too many different versions or wittiness accounts on to what happened. Plus the history books don't exactly tell you the whole story on the two as well. I am fascinated by the two and always have been and the more I learn the more I realize that something just doesn't add up with the two.

Ok first I will put some of the similarities on the two. Now keep in mind that people are saying that some of these as just coincidence and nothing more. Others are saying that there aren't that many similarities as people may think but as I said I have discovered some as well on my own.

The similarities:

1: Lincoln was elected to congress in 1846 and Kennedy was elected to congress in 1946. Ok now they are saying that this is a coincidence because of how the elections take place but I for one think that ii is more than just a coincidence. Ok that may be true but however 100 years apart that both presidents were elected to serve in congress just happens to be both assassinated. Um ok sure if you wanna say that it is just coincidence and nothing more but I am not buying that.
2: Both were for the civil rights movement. Lincoln abolished slavery and Kennedy did away with desegregation. Another coincidence um I highly doubt that because both being killed because they were for the civil rights movement um I don't think it is just a coincidence. I think it is more than just a coincidence that both men who were assassinated were for the very same thing. I also think that it is too much of a coincidence that both were assassinated for almost the same thing.
3: Both were shot in the back of the head and had their wives present. Ok now reports have said that the only guaranteed way to kill someone is to either shoot them in the chest or the back of the head which I can see but however is it just another coincidence that both were shot in the head with their wives present? Hmm I highly doubt it. I mean I can see why people would say it was a coincidence because of course they would have their wives with them and insure that they were dead but again I see it as something more.
4: Lincoln was elected president in 1860 and Kennedy in 1960. Again they are saying it is the way an election falls on but again a hundred years apart? Um ok again I am not buying the fact that it was just a coincidence that both men just happened to be assassinated elected as president a hundred years apart due to the way that the election was held.
5: Both were shot on a Friday. Again reports have said that there was a one in seven odds that both killings were going to occur on the same day of the week so yes it is still yet another coincidence. Um again it is too much of a coincidence that this occurred on the same day.
6: Both were succeeded by men with the last name Johnson. Lincoln successor was Andrew Johnson was born in 1808 and Lyndon B Johnson who succeeded Kennedy was born in 1908. Now they are saying that this is a coincidence because most presidents or vice presidents were 50 to 70 years of age. However explain the coincidence that both men were name Johnson. It could be because Johnson is s popular surname in the U.S. However I think it is more than a coincidence because there are a lot of people with that nickname and for two men with the last name in the White as vice president is more than that.

Now there are a lot more similarities about the two that just doesn't make sense but of course they are being called just that coincidences. Also both assassinations were done because of a conspiracy plot to commit murder. I highly doubt that we will ever find out the truth as to why both men were assassinated nor will we find out why there were so many coincidence between the two.

Am I saying that John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln? Who knows if he did or not nor do we know if Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy. I just think it is too much of the coincidence between the two to even say that it was just a coincidence and nothing more. I highly doubt it that we will find out the “real” story. The Kennedy assassination is a whole entire blog on its own that I will be glad to type about at a later date so stay tuned for that,

Monday, February 25, 2013


The other day I was watching a biography on Abraham Lincoln ans learned some interesting stuff that I did not learn in History Class. As well as some things about his assassination too. I love American History and so this was very interesting to me to find out this information

His childhood:

He was born in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. He had two other siblings a sister Sarah who died during childbirth and a brother Thomas who died in infancy. In  1817 the Lincolns were forced to move from Kentucky to Indiana because of a land dispute,  They "squatted" on public land to scrape out living in a crude shelter. His father hunted game and farmed a small plot but he was eventually able to buy the land.

When he was nine years old his mother died at the age of thirty four from a disease commonly known as milk disease. He then grew more and more alienated from his father and resented the hard work his father placed on him quietly. A few months later after his mother died his father remarried a Kentucky widow with three children of her own and Lincoln formed a strong bond with her because she was a strong and affectionate woman and even encouraged him to read even though both she and his father were most likely illiterate.  He received his formal education while growing into manhood. An estimated eighteen months-a few days or weeks a month. Since reading material was scarce in the Indiana wilderness he would walk for miles to borrow a book and would read anything including the family bible.

Law Career:

In March of 1830 the family migrated again to Macon County Illinois. He was 22 at the time so he ventured out on his own and did manual labor. He was sis foot  four inches tall he was rawboned and lanky but muscular and physically strong. In 1834 when the Black Hawk War broke out the volunteers asked Lincoln to be their captain and it was after the war ended that he started his political career and was elected in the state legislature as a member of the Whig Party in 1834.   He supported the Whig politics of government-sponsored infrastructure and protective tariffs. This political understanding led him to formulate his early views on slavery, not so much as a moral wrong, but as an impediment to economic development. It was around this time that he decided to become a lawyer, teaching himself the law by reading William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England. After being admitted to the bar in 1837, he moved to Springfield, Illinois and began to practice in the John T. Stuart law firm. 

 It was soon after this that he purportedly met and became romantically involved with Anne Rutledge. Before they had a chance to be engaged, a wave of typhoid fever came over New Salem and Anne died at age 22. Her death was said to have left Lincoln severely depressed. However, several historians disagree on the extent of Lincoln’s relationship with Rutledge and his level of sorrow at her death may be more the makings of legend.  

Political Career:

he only served in the U.S. House of Representatives which was from 1847 to 1849 so his political career seemed short lived. He was the lone Whig of the state and showing party royalty but found few political allies.  he used his time in office to speak out about the Mexican-American War and even supported Zachary Taylor for president. His speaking out against the war made him unpopular back at home and he decided to opt out of running for a second term but to go back to study law instead. A year after the death of Anne Ruthledge he started dating Mary Todd the two saw each other for a few months before marriage was discussed and the two became engaged but that engagement was short lived because in 1841 Lincoln called it off and most likely from his initiative but the two later met again at a social function and later married in 1842. They had four children but only one survived to adulthood. 


In 1856 he joined the republican party and in 1857 he was elected president. As you all know he was the one who abolished slavery. However n 1857, the Supreme Court issued its controversial decision Scott v. Sanford, declaring African Americans were not citizens and had no inherent rights. Though Abraham Lincoln felt African Americans were not equal to whites, he believed the America’s founders intended that all men were created with certain inalienable rights. Lincoln decided to challenge sitting U.S. Senator Stephen Douglas for his seat.   Now from what I gather and understand the ladies didn't like Mary Lincoln and the couple really didn't love each other and in fact she threw a cup of coffee at him and stormed out of the room. The couple was not strict with the children and pretty much let the children run amok. Mary often kept house with either a relative or hired servant girl. 

After the death of one of the couples sons Mary swore she seen his spirit and so they would hold saonces , but that got short lived because it looked bad. 

His Assassination

Now everyone knows there are similarities between his assassination and Kennedy's. However even though the history books says that John Wilkes Booth killed him but the whole assassination was a murder plot and there were several who were arrested for the conspiracy to comment murder. Four were murdered and one of the four was a woman. After they were executed they were not spoken of again and were hidden in time forever, There were several others who were arrested and imprisoned and one that even escaped to another country but was later extradited back here. Now the history books says that he  escaped his pursuers and subsequently died many years later under a pseudonym. However he was shot in the leg and ran to a local farm in rural Virginia and 12 days later he was tracked down and while his companion gave himself up Booth refused and was shot after the barn in which he was hiding was set ablaze. 

Now I don't know about you but I since that the assassination and the whole thing is almost a conspiracy and covered up for ever and that there are more things to this than anyone knows. 

After Lincoln died his widow suffered from depression from the loss of three of her children and the loss of her husband, Her only surviving son locked her in a insane asylum for awhile. His last surviving relative died in 1985.  His body was lying in state in the East Room and then the Capital Rotunda from April 19th to April 21st.  For his final journey with his son Willie, both caskets were transported in the executive coach "United States" and for three weeks the Lincoln Special decorated in black buntingbore Lincoln's remains on a slow circuitous waypoint journey from Washington D.C. to Springfield, Illinois stopping at many cities across the North for large-scale memorials attended by hundreds of thousands, as well as many people who gathered in informal trackside tributes with bands, bonfires and hymn singing[ or silent reverence with hat in hand as the railway procession slowly passed by. 

In 1900 the Lincoln Tomb located in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois, was in need of repair and underwent a reconstruction. Construction of the present tomb took 15 months, and during that time Mr. Lincoln's coffin was in a temporary grave a few feet away. The photograph to the left shows the temporary grave after being opened, and the pine box holding Mr. Lincoln's coffin is clearly visible. In May 1901 Robert Lincoln visited the tomb and decided things needed to be changed again. In 1876  had failed in an attempt to steal Mr. Lincoln's corpse and hold it for ransom. Robert didn't want a repeat of that possibility. This time the coffin would be buried in a huge cage ten feet deep and then encased in concrete. In the photograph below, Mr. Lincoln's coffin is in the center. The outer pine box that had been broken away lies to the right of the coffin. Many of the men removed their hats out of respect.
Both the cage and the coffin would be hardened forever in a solid block of rock. Robert's idea for this had come from the burial procedure employed for George M. Pullman (inventor of the Pullman sleeping car).Finally, on September 26, 1901, all was ready. Because of the permanency of this burial, a discussion arose among those present as to whether the coffin should be opened. Some people argued that the remains should be identified due to rumors around the country that Mr. Lincoln was not the body in the box. Other people thought opening the casket would be a violation of privacy. In the end, it was decided to open the coffin.
Two plumbers, Leon P. Hopkins and his nephew, Charles L. Willey, chiseled an oblong piece out of the top of the lead-lined coffin. The piece these two men cut out was just over Mr. Lincoln's head and shoulders. When the casket was opened, a harsh, choking smell arose. 23 people slowly walked forward and peered down. Mr. Lincoln's features were totally recognizable. His face had a melancholy expression, but his black chin whiskers hadn't changed at all. The wart on his cheek and the coarse black hair were obvious characteristics of Mr. Lincoln's. The biggest change was that the eyebrows had vanished. The president was wearing the same suit he wore at his second inauguration, but it was covered with yellow mold. Additionally there were some bits of red fabric (possibly the remnants of an American flag buried with Mr. Lincoln). All 23 people were unanimous in their agreement that the remains were indeed those of Abraham Lincoln.  '

I find this information interesting and it makes me even wonder more if perhaps the whole thing is a conspiracy and bits and pieces hidden away as well. I now know and realize that the  assassinations between Lincoln and Kennedy were too much similar that to me that it isn't just a coincident that there are so many similarities but in fact a huge  conspiracy  between the two. I don;t know about you but something doesn't smell right. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

We All Bleed Red

This story takes place in the small town of Harrison Arkansas and located smack dab in the middle of the Ozark Mountains. You can take a scenic drive and enjoy the beautiful scenery that we have here. There are a lot of places to explore here and in the surrounding area. Despite the history of this town it is still a friendly place to live and one couple was hoping that this would finally be the town they could settle in after two weeks of traveling and being kicked out of every town just because their skin was a different color. They had no idea what troubles they were going to have just moving there though but they were bound and determined to live there given the history and past. 

Chapter 1

Cornelius and Corinne Johnson had just pulled in to the hotel on the outskirts of town where they were going to be staying for a while until they both can get jobs and get money saved up to get a place. The couple had sold most of their belongings and only brought with them what they could haul in the vehicle. “ Do you think we will be welcomed here or ran out of town because we are a different race?” she asked her husband as he parked.
They had been going from town to town for two weeks just searching for a place to settle but was ran out because of their skin color. They were tired of the looks they got everywhere they went. People did not want anyone of a different color other than white in their towns. When they got to the towns people would shout racial slurs and people through things at them and their car. When they tried to go into a restaurant or gas station they were turned away and refused service. He grabbed his wife's hand and squeezed it.
I don't have an idea but I don't intend on leaving any time soon. I am tired of driving and trying to find a place that will accept us no matter what.” he told her as he pulled into a parking place.

Corrine loved her husband and would stay with him no matter what because all she needed was him beside her.  She grabbed her purse and they got out. She hoped that they let them stay here because she could not travel anymore. She had just found out a couple of days before they moved that she was pregnant and she hadn't found the right time to tell her husband. She didn't want to tell him yet because of the current situation but she knew she had too. “ I have something to tell you before we go in.” she said to him as she stopped walking.
What is it baby?” he asked her. He knew that she was keeping something from him but just didn't know what.
I am pregnant. I found out two days before we left.” she told him.
Why didn't you say something then?” he asked her.
I knew if I did then we would have stayed and I couldn't let us do that because we both wanted to make a fresh start.” she told him

He knew that she was right but he still wished that she would have said something because now they would have to fight tooth and nail just to stay here. He took her hand and the couple walked in the hotel entrance holding hands. They walked up to the front desk and right away they were scowled at. The clerk didn't even greet them as they walked up to the desk.
We need to rent a room for a while.” Cornelius told the clerk.
Sorry we don't have any left.” she said to him
The sign outside said that you have rooms available.” he said to her.
Well we just rented the last one.” she said to him as she continued to do what she was doing and not making eye contact.

He wanted to stay and argue with the woman but instead he and his wife turned and quickly walked away. Corrine could tell that her husband was fuming and she was too but there was nothing the two of them could do. As soon as they exited the motel lobby a white couple entered and gave them the stare down and moved as far away as possible from them so that they could pass.
I can't stand racist people.” he said as they got into the car. His wife felt the same way and she knew that the white couple they saw would get a room. He didn't understand why people had to be racist just because they were black, They all bleed red and were just like them except their color was different.

She had to use the restroom but at this moment all she could think about was the same thing every time. She looked out the window and watched the road pass and cars drive by and the people staring at them. She even seen some of them flipping them off too. Cornelius wanted to cheer his wife up but he didn't know how too. He hoped that he could get a room someplace.  He spotted another motel and turned in. “ I need to use the restroom.” she said as he parked and they got out.
Ok and I will see if I can get us a room.” he said as he headed towards the desk and she went into the nearby guest restroom. The clerk looked up and smiled. He hoped that was a good sign and not just a fluke.
I need to rent a room for awhile. I will pay extra if I have too.” he said to her as he took out his wallet.
I do have one room available that is way in the back and towards the end.” she said to him as she typed on her computer. He didn't care where it was just as long as they could get a room.
That's fine. I don't care where it is at as long as it has a bed and running water.” he said to her.
Ok how long will you be staying?” she asked him.
I'm not sure a month at least or two. Just need to be able to stay until I can find a job and get some money saved up to get an apartment or a house.” he said to her.

He spotted his wife coming out of the bathroom and smiled as she was walking up. He put his arm around her and squeezed her shoulder. “ Ok the cost will be $ 1,450 If you end up staying longer than just come up and pay some more. If it is shorter than we will refund the rest.” she told him.

He slapped down fifteen hundred on the desk.” Keep the change.” he said to her as she handed him the key. “ Enjoy your stay.” she said to him. The couple than walked out and out to the car. He couldn't believe they had gotten a room. “ I guess she was feeling generous tonight.” he said to her.  He backed out of the parking space and drove until they found the room. “ She wasn't lying when she said it was way in the back.” he said as they found the room.

The room was on the back of the hotel and secluded. He didn't care because he knew that beggars can't be too picky. “ I hope the room is at least decent.” she said to him as he parked.  They got out and walked up to the room. “Here it goes.” he said as he unlocked the door. The room didn't look that bad with it being located where it was at. “ The room looks ok.” she said as she stepped inside.
I will be right back. I am going to go get the two bags we will need for at least a few days. I don't wanna haul all of them in.” he said as he turned.
Grab the big blue cloth one and the medium dark green one because those are the two that we will need right now.” she said to him as he turned and walked out the door.  She laid down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. She was glad that they were able to get a room even if it was secluded it just made it more romantic. She also knew that the reason why they got this room was so no one would see them coming and going.
Here you go sweetie.” he said as he came back into the room and set the two suitcases down. Corrine than went over to one of them and opened it. “ I think I am going to get comfortable.” she said to him as she got out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt as well as some other items.
While you are doing that I think I will see if I can find us some food.” he said to her as he opened the door. She then watched him leave and went into the bathroom. She hoped he would be able to get something to eat without problems because of the fact he was a different skin color.
Tomorrow they were going to go looking for jobs but knew that it was not going to be easy because no one was going to hire them because of their color regardless of their references, resume, and work history. She knew that the position was going to go to a white person regardless of their experience. She then laid on the bed and turned the television on and waited for her husband to get back, She wanted to do some research online but she was too tired and drained to care tonight.
Cornelius had just got rejected from ordering at yet another place and was trying to figure out where to go. They were hungry and all he wanted was some food even if it was just a burger, but he was yet scoffed at, had racial slurs shouted at him, and almost thrown out of numerous places tonight. They had some junk food in the car that they could eat but that would only due for a few nights until they grew tired of it but tonight he was tired of driving so he drove back to the hotel.

As he was driving he was almost ran off the road but none other than a local cop. He was able to keep the vehicle in control and pulled off to the side of the road and set there until he regained his composure and started back to the hotel. He hoped that it wasn't going to be like this and that people warmed up to them once they got to know them because they weren't going anywhere. They were tired of being ran out of town just because they were black. They were tired of the scowls and looks, of the mumbling of racial slurs under people's breaths, and the things people threw at them. They wasn't going to run anymore. Even if it killed them they were staying here.
He then turned into the motel and drove back to the back where the room was located. He then parked, grabbed the bag of snacks, got two bottles of water, and went inside to where his wife was. The two then forgot about the days events and enjoyed each others company. They would worry about tomorrow when it came. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Forbidden Lover.

Chapter 1

Marissa Thompson was sitting in the passenger’s seat and watching her much older boyfriend as he was driving. They had Joan Jett blaring through the car stereo speakers and she had her feet propped up on the dash. Her boyfriend was quite a few years older than she was and they had met at a party that one of her friends was throwing. She was a cheerleader and a sophomore in high school and he was twenty one and a high school dropout. She was attracted to his bad boy image and he was attracted to her good and wholesome girl persona that she gave off.

Do you want to get something to eat before I take you home?” Ricardo asked her as he put his joint out in the ashtray. “Sounds like a plan.” she told him. They were on the way home from a concert. “That band was bad ass.” she said as she lit a cigarette and cranked up the stereo when the song Bad Reputation came on. “Yes they were. They are an up and coming band and plan on having a record out soon.” he told her. Ricardo was a promoter and worked with new bands as well as working with up and coming bands. “I can’t wait either because I will buy the record.” she told him.
They reached a local diner and he pulled in. “This is a popular place to scope out new groups.” he told her as he found a place to park. They had only been together for a month and a half and were going strong. Her parents did not approve of him because he was older and because of his appearance. They didn’t try to stop her from seeing him because they knew she would anyway. “Cool I have always wanted to see you in action.” she said. The couple entered the restaurant and found a booth in the back. The waitress came and brought them some menus. They ordered a couple of beers and burgers and fries. “She isn’t old enough to drink.” the waitress said to him.

Marissa than opened her purse and took out her fake identification card that Ricardo had made for her. “Sure I am.” she said as she handed it to her. The waitress looked at it and smiled. “Girl you look young for being twenty one.” she said as she handed it back to her. The waitress walked away. “Babe I am so glad that you had that made for me.” she said to him as she stuck it back into her jeans pocket. The waitress came and brought them their beer. “Your food will be out in a few minutes.” she said. “It was no problem for my girl.” he said to her as he flashed his smile.

He then picked up his beer and took a sip. “Are there any bands playing tonight?” Marissa asked as she lit a cigarette. Their food was brought out before he got a chance to answer her. “Enjoy.” the waitress said as she set the plates down. “Thanks.” they said. Marissa then put out her cigarette. “Yeah a new band called The Dollies.” he said to her. The Dollies was an all-girl punk band and he had heard them play a few times. “Cool.” she said as she picked up a fry and bit it. He finished his beer and asked for another. “Yeah I have actually heard them a couple of times and I think you will like them.” he told her. He was then brought another beer and he took a sip. “I am sure I will.” she said just as the band was coming up. “Are you guys ready to rock?” the lead singer asked.

The lead singer had short hot pink hair and wore leather. The band then started playing. “This song is called All Around.” the lead singer said. Marissa listened and loved the band. They played some of Joan Jett’s songs and even some of their home. She noticed that Mark was recording the band. “I am going to get them a contract and get them signed to a record deal.” he told her. She was glad to hear that because this band was a kick ass group.
The couple than got done eating and the band finished playing so they got up and he paid the bill. “I better get you home before your parent’s flip.” he said as they held hands and walked to the car. She then took out a cigarette and lit it. “Yes you do. I also need some gum to cover up the beer smell from my breath.” she told him. He took out a piece of gum and handed it to her. “Here.” he said as she took it.

She opened it and put it in her mouth. “Thanks. I’m not too worried about the cigarette smoke because they know I smoke and they smoke as well. They then got in the car and she cranked on the radio. He then roared the engine and peeled out of the parking lot. He drove an older model corvette that he vamped up. She loved his fast car. “I am glad that you got to go with me tonight.” Mark said as he took her hand. She propped her feet up on the dash and smiled. “Thanks and I am so glad that I did.” she said. He then lit up a joint and took a drag. “How about tomorrow night you and I go out to see the new movie Footloose?” he asked her. “I can’t tomorrow night because I got a game.” she said as she cranked up the radio. “Ok babe then I will come to your game and cheer you on.” he said as he smiled. She knew why he wanted to come and was not going to object. “You just want to see me in my cheerleader uniform.” she said.

They reached her house and he pulled in. “See you tomorrow night babe.” he said as they kissed. She got out and he smacked her ass. She then turned and smiled. “I will see you tomorrow night.” she said as she walked away rubbing her ass. He smiled and made sure she made it in the house and he drove away.

Chapter 2
The next morning Marissa woke up and got up. She put on her robe and slippers and went downstairs for breakfast. Her mom and dad were sitting at the table when she came down. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a can of soda and then grabbed an apple. She went over to the table and set down. “Morning sweetie.” her mother said to her. “Morning.” she said as she took a bite of her apple. Her father was a manager at a restaurant and was always gone before she got up. “Do you have a game tonight?” her mother asked her. Marissa took a sip of her soda. “Yes of course.” she said to her. Her mom finished her coffee and got up. “Sorry I won’t be able to make it tonight.” she said as she left the kitchen.
This was the same conversation every Friday night. Her parents never attended any of the games to watch her cheer. She got up and threw the apple core away and went back upstairs. She then took a shower and got ready for school. Since it was game day she wore her cheerleader uniform to school. She finished getting ready, grabbed her things and left. She really wished that she had her license because she hated riding the bus but next year she would have it because Mark promised that he would help her get it.

The bus pulled up and she got on and walked to the back. She found an empty seat and set down. This was her usual routine every morning. The afternoons she got a ride home with friends or Mark. She took out her cell phone and sent Mark a text. She loved her parents but here lately they have has a strained relationship. It started even before she started seeing Mark. She tried to talk to her parents but they were always so busy with whatever as well as drunk that they hardly paid attention to her. She was glad that her brother and sister were older and moved out months ago. Her sister asked her to move in with her but she lived an hour away that she would have to switch schools and it would be hard to see Mark.

She put her ear buds in her ears and listened to her i-pod on the way to school. There were a handful of high school kids who rode the bus but no one she talked too. The bus reached the high school and she took her ear buds out and turned her i-pod off. She stuck it and her cell phone in her bag and got up. She then got off the bus and headed to where her friends were at. She took out a cigarette and lit it. “Man I will be so glad when I get my license. “she said as she took a drag. All of her friends had their licenses and a car. “When are you getting them?” her best friend Amanda asked. “Soon because Mark is going to teach me how to drive since my parents are too busy.” she said. Amanda had been her best friend since grade school. She looked like a Barbie Doll and she was the head cheerleader. Amanda was smart too and was dating the quarterback of the football team. She had loving parents and they attended every game.

The first bell rang so she put her cigarette out and headed inside. Her first class was study hall and she was thankful because she did not get her assignments done because after she and Mark went out she studied for a test. “Hey you want to skip study hall?’ Amanda asked her. “Sorry I can’t I really need to do my homework. I got to keep my grades up so I can get a scholarship to college.” she said as she grabbed the books that she needed. She shut her locker and locked it then turned and walked away. She made it to study hall and took a seat towards the back. She then took out her i-pod and stuck the ear buds in her ears and did her homework.

Amanda always skipped study hall because she always did her homework at her part time job she had. She worked at her mother’s work as a phone receptionist and at times it was slow. Marissa wanted a part time job but with Mark, cheerleading, friends, and her homework she just did not have the time. She was not going to give up seeing Mark for a job. Besides Mark bought her anything she wanted and made sure that she had cash all the time. Her parents paid her cell phone bill and her internet usage. She even had credit cards that Mark paid for. When she got her license he promised her a car so she didn’t need a job. She had things made and did not feel bad at all. She then went back to her homework. She got done five minutes before the bell rang.