Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Family for Gwen

Chapter 1

Amnesty Thompson was sitting at her kitchen table drinking a cup of hot tea with lemon to sooth her nauseated belly. She was seven months pregnant and had to quit her caffeine.  She was still doing her web designing but had to cut back her hours.  She was beginning to get frustrated over people asking questions about her pregnancy that was just one subject that she did not want to discuss. 

Didn’t people understand that there were actually women out there who did not discuss that subject?  She was so deep in thought that she did not hear her phone ring.  “Hello.” she said as she tried to regain her composure. “Hello dear.” her mother said. 
Hey mom.” she said.  She and her mother were close and talked at least every other day and usually in the evening so when her mother was calling her during the day worried her.  “How are you today dear?” her mother asked her.  Amnesty took a sip of her tea.  “I’m fine just a little nauseated though.” she said.
Have you called the doctor?” her mother asked her.  “I went last week for a checkup and the baby is fine.” she said.

She loved her mother and they had a great relationship, but her mom worried too much.  “Ok dear if you and the baby are fine then I guess I have nothing to worry about.” she said.  Amnesty finished her tea and went to take it to the sink.  “Mom did you really call to see how I was or was there something else?” she asked her.  Her mother chuckled at that.  “Why do you think there is something else?” she asked her.  Amnesty knew her mother well enough to know that there was indeed something else.  “Mom I know you.” she said.

Her mother chuckled at this.  “Well there is something else dear.”  she said.  Amnesty held her breath for a moment. “What?” she asked her. “Well I was wondering if you were going to tell anyone else the circumstances as to why you left and about your pregnancy?”  she asked her.  She knew that this question was going to be asked sooner or later and didn’t want to let anyone know yet.
No mom I am not when I am ready for people to know I will tell them.”  she said.  Her mother sighed at the answer and let it go.  “You’re not even going to tell Paul or his family are you?”  she asked.

Amnesty took a deep breath because her mother knew the answer to that.  No I am not and I will not.”  she said to her.  She did not want her ex knowing about her pregnancy. “Well don’t you think you should dear so you can get child support from him?”  she asked her.  Amnesty did not want to have this conversation again.  “I do not want or need anything from him or his family mom.”  she said to her.  “Well ok dear if you are sure.” she said.  Amnesty had errands to do today so she had to end this call. “Mom I hate to end this but I have too because I have some errands to do in town.”  she said.

 So the two women said good bye and hung up.  She rinsed her cup out in the sink and went to go get ready.  She really didn’t feel like doing anything today but she had too.  She went into the living room and put her shoes on.  She loved this apartment it was a two bedroom two bath with a laundry room.  The kitchen and living room was combined and she was paying four hundred a month for it but it was worth it because it was a very friendly apartment complex.  She had to pay twenty dollars a month to keep her car parked in the private driveway close to her apartment complex. 

She then went back into the living room and grabbed her purse, cell phone, and keys and left.  She made sure every light was out and locked the door.  She walked to her private drive and unlocked her car.  Her car was a graduation present that she got from her dad and three months after getting it he died of a heart attack.  She got in her car and drove off.  She approached the gate and saw a blond hired green eyed six foot tall tanned skinned man she had ever seen and rolled down her window.  “Can I help you?”  she asked him.  He stuck his head in the window.  “Yes I am trying to find my mom Gwendolyn Mathis.”  he said.

She smiled at him“She lives in apartment 25.”  she said to him.  He then reached for her hand.  The name is peter by the way,” he said.   She took his hand and shook it.  “The name is Amnesty.”  she said.  She felt a slight twinge as their hands touched and she pulled it away quickly.  “Thanks nice meeting you.”  he said.  She smiled. “You too.” she said and rolled up her window and drove away.

Peter watched her drive away and got in his car and drove to his mother’s apartment.  His mother had surgery and he was home on leave to take care of her after she got out.  He was going to love staying here especially with neighbors like Amnesty.  He parked in the parking space beside his mom and got out. He then quickly unloaded everything and put it in the guest bedroom.  He noticed that each apartment had its own back yard and decided to go out there and see what his mother had going on.

 Four hours later Amnesty came home from town.  She noticed Peter out in the yard when she pulled up and waved.  She then parked and got out.  She then unlocked her back door so she could start carrying in her groceries and other items she had gotten.  She noticed that he was coming over.  “You need some help?” he asked her.  She really could use the help today because she had a headache and wanted to lie down.

 She unlocked the door and carried the first couple of bags in.  He followed right behind her with a couple of more bags.  “Here you go.” he said and sat the bags on the counter.  “Thank you.” she said.  He then went out and got some more and she started putting things away.  She should have been helping him but he told her he could do it so she stayed put and put the rest of her groceries away.    “Let me cook you dinner tonight to thank you for helping me today.” she told him as he grabbed the last of the bags and shut her car door.  “You don’t have to do that.” he said as he set the bags on the counter. “Yes I do.” she told him.

 He knew better than to argue with a hormonal pregnant woman and was not about to start.  “Ok yes ma’am.” he said.  She then smiled at him.  “Good you saw it my way.” she said.   After they discussed the time he left and she finished putting everything away. 

After she got everything put away she made her something to eat and went to stretch out on the couch and watch TV.  She needed to take her laptop to be repaired but she forgot it.  She flipped on the TV and flipped through the channels and ate her lunch.  She must have fell asleep cause she woke up two hours later.  She quickly got up and started cleaning before she cooked dinner for Peter and her.  She was not for sure what she was going to make, but she was a great cook so whatever it was she knew it would be good. 

Peter was sitting in his mother’s apartment and trying to relax a little before he got ready to go to Amnesty’s place for dinner  He wasn’t for sure what she was cooking but didn’t care cause he just wanted to get to know her.  He didn’t know if she was married or not either or the circumstances of her pregnancy.  He knew one thing about that she was beautiful.  She had long curly black hair, blue green eyes, very tan and well endowed.  She had a glow to her as well which made her even more beautiful.  He couldn’t get her sweet voice out of his mind.  He turned on the TV to the sports channel and relaxed on the couch with a glass of grape soda to kill some time until he had to get ready. He knew he was getting strong feelings for her and had to keep them from happening which was very hard to do.

Amnesty walked into the kitchen to see what she had to fix.  She decided to make lasagna and tossed salad.  This was just a friendly dinner to welcome Peter to the neighborhood and it meant nothing.  As she was cooking though she could help thinking how cute he was.  He had blond wavy hair that went down too his shoulders.  He had the tannest skin she had ever seen and the deepest green eyes.  He was about six foot tall and weighed about one hundred and eighty pounds.  He was very muscular and she could tell he worked out.  He had that deep voice that could make a great baritone singer.

She jumped out of her thoughts and went back to reality and finished the lasagna and put it in the oven.  She then started making the salad.  After the salad was done and the lasagna was baking she then made a delicious fruit salad.  She then made a picture of her special blend iced tea. Two hours later it was done and Peter showed up and they had a great time just talking all evening long.

This book is being edited but I wanted to give you guys a preview of it. 

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