Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The similarities between the Lincoln and Kennedy Assassinations

Now I know that there are alot of similarities between the two as well as between the two assassinations. Some people say it is just a coincidence that there are all these similarities and also some say that there aren't as many as people claim there are or according to snopes that is but I for one beg to differ on that. Now I know that I am not big on conspiracy's but this one I am. There just too many different versions or wittiness accounts on to what happened. Plus the history books don't exactly tell you the whole story on the two as well. I am fascinated by the two and always have been and the more I learn the more I realize that something just doesn't add up with the two.

Ok first I will put some of the similarities on the two. Now keep in mind that people are saying that some of these as just coincidence and nothing more. Others are saying that there aren't that many similarities as people may think but as I said I have discovered some as well on my own.

The similarities:

1: Lincoln was elected to congress in 1846 and Kennedy was elected to congress in 1946. Ok now they are saying that this is a coincidence because of how the elections take place but I for one think that ii is more than just a coincidence. Ok that may be true but however 100 years apart that both presidents were elected to serve in congress just happens to be both assassinated. Um ok sure if you wanna say that it is just coincidence and nothing more but I am not buying that.
2: Both were for the civil rights movement. Lincoln abolished slavery and Kennedy did away with desegregation. Another coincidence um I highly doubt that because both being killed because they were for the civil rights movement um I don't think it is just a coincidence. I think it is more than just a coincidence that both men who were assassinated were for the very same thing. I also think that it is too much of a coincidence that both were assassinated for almost the same thing.
3: Both were shot in the back of the head and had their wives present. Ok now reports have said that the only guaranteed way to kill someone is to either shoot them in the chest or the back of the head which I can see but however is it just another coincidence that both were shot in the head with their wives present? Hmm I highly doubt it. I mean I can see why people would say it was a coincidence because of course they would have their wives with them and insure that they were dead but again I see it as something more.
4: Lincoln was elected president in 1860 and Kennedy in 1960. Again they are saying it is the way an election falls on but again a hundred years apart? Um ok again I am not buying the fact that it was just a coincidence that both men just happened to be assassinated elected as president a hundred years apart due to the way that the election was held.
5: Both were shot on a Friday. Again reports have said that there was a one in seven odds that both killings were going to occur on the same day of the week so yes it is still yet another coincidence. Um again it is too much of a coincidence that this occurred on the same day.
6: Both were succeeded by men with the last name Johnson. Lincoln successor was Andrew Johnson was born in 1808 and Lyndon B Johnson who succeeded Kennedy was born in 1908. Now they are saying that this is a coincidence because most presidents or vice presidents were 50 to 70 years of age. However explain the coincidence that both men were name Johnson. It could be because Johnson is s popular surname in the U.S. However I think it is more than a coincidence because there are a lot of people with that nickname and for two men with the last name in the White as vice president is more than that.

Now there are a lot more similarities about the two that just doesn't make sense but of course they are being called just that coincidences. Also both assassinations were done because of a conspiracy plot to commit murder. I highly doubt that we will ever find out the truth as to why both men were assassinated nor will we find out why there were so many coincidence between the two.

Am I saying that John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln? Who knows if he did or not nor do we know if Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy. I just think it is too much of the coincidence between the two to even say that it was just a coincidence and nothing more. I highly doubt it that we will find out the “real” story. The Kennedy assassination is a whole entire blog on its own that I will be glad to type about at a later date so stay tuned for that,

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