Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Forbidden Lover.

Chapter 1

Marissa Thompson was sitting in the passenger’s seat and watching her much older boyfriend as he was driving. They had Joan Jett blaring through the car stereo speakers and she had her feet propped up on the dash. Her boyfriend was quite a few years older than she was and they had met at a party that one of her friends was throwing. She was a cheerleader and a sophomore in high school and he was twenty one and a high school dropout. She was attracted to his bad boy image and he was attracted to her good and wholesome girl persona that she gave off.

Do you want to get something to eat before I take you home?” Ricardo asked her as he put his joint out in the ashtray. “Sounds like a plan.” she told him. They were on the way home from a concert. “That band was bad ass.” she said as she lit a cigarette and cranked up the stereo when the song Bad Reputation came on. “Yes they were. They are an up and coming band and plan on having a record out soon.” he told her. Ricardo was a promoter and worked with new bands as well as working with up and coming bands. “I can’t wait either because I will buy the record.” she told him.
They reached a local diner and he pulled in. “This is a popular place to scope out new groups.” he told her as he found a place to park. They had only been together for a month and a half and were going strong. Her parents did not approve of him because he was older and because of his appearance. They didn’t try to stop her from seeing him because they knew she would anyway. “Cool I have always wanted to see you in action.” she said. The couple entered the restaurant and found a booth in the back. The waitress came and brought them some menus. They ordered a couple of beers and burgers and fries. “She isn’t old enough to drink.” the waitress said to him.

Marissa than opened her purse and took out her fake identification card that Ricardo had made for her. “Sure I am.” she said as she handed it to her. The waitress looked at it and smiled. “Girl you look young for being twenty one.” she said as she handed it back to her. The waitress walked away. “Babe I am so glad that you had that made for me.” she said to him as she stuck it back into her jeans pocket. The waitress came and brought them their beer. “Your food will be out in a few minutes.” she said. “It was no problem for my girl.” he said to her as he flashed his smile.

He then picked up his beer and took a sip. “Are there any bands playing tonight?” Marissa asked as she lit a cigarette. Their food was brought out before he got a chance to answer her. “Enjoy.” the waitress said as she set the plates down. “Thanks.” they said. Marissa then put out her cigarette. “Yeah a new band called The Dollies.” he said to her. The Dollies was an all-girl punk band and he had heard them play a few times. “Cool.” she said as she picked up a fry and bit it. He finished his beer and asked for another. “Yeah I have actually heard them a couple of times and I think you will like them.” he told her. He was then brought another beer and he took a sip. “I am sure I will.” she said just as the band was coming up. “Are you guys ready to rock?” the lead singer asked.

The lead singer had short hot pink hair and wore leather. The band then started playing. “This song is called All Around.” the lead singer said. Marissa listened and loved the band. They played some of Joan Jett’s songs and even some of their home. She noticed that Mark was recording the band. “I am going to get them a contract and get them signed to a record deal.” he told her. She was glad to hear that because this band was a kick ass group.
The couple than got done eating and the band finished playing so they got up and he paid the bill. “I better get you home before your parent’s flip.” he said as they held hands and walked to the car. She then took out a cigarette and lit it. “Yes you do. I also need some gum to cover up the beer smell from my breath.” she told him. He took out a piece of gum and handed it to her. “Here.” he said as she took it.

She opened it and put it in her mouth. “Thanks. I’m not too worried about the cigarette smoke because they know I smoke and they smoke as well. They then got in the car and she cranked on the radio. He then roared the engine and peeled out of the parking lot. He drove an older model corvette that he vamped up. She loved his fast car. “I am glad that you got to go with me tonight.” Mark said as he took her hand. She propped her feet up on the dash and smiled. “Thanks and I am so glad that I did.” she said. He then lit up a joint and took a drag. “How about tomorrow night you and I go out to see the new movie Footloose?” he asked her. “I can’t tomorrow night because I got a game.” she said as she cranked up the radio. “Ok babe then I will come to your game and cheer you on.” he said as he smiled. She knew why he wanted to come and was not going to object. “You just want to see me in my cheerleader uniform.” she said.

They reached her house and he pulled in. “See you tomorrow night babe.” he said as they kissed. She got out and he smacked her ass. She then turned and smiled. “I will see you tomorrow night.” she said as she walked away rubbing her ass. He smiled and made sure she made it in the house and he drove away.

Chapter 2
The next morning Marissa woke up and got up. She put on her robe and slippers and went downstairs for breakfast. Her mom and dad were sitting at the table when she came down. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a can of soda and then grabbed an apple. She went over to the table and set down. “Morning sweetie.” her mother said to her. “Morning.” she said as she took a bite of her apple. Her father was a manager at a restaurant and was always gone before she got up. “Do you have a game tonight?” her mother asked her. Marissa took a sip of her soda. “Yes of course.” she said to her. Her mom finished her coffee and got up. “Sorry I won’t be able to make it tonight.” she said as she left the kitchen.
This was the same conversation every Friday night. Her parents never attended any of the games to watch her cheer. She got up and threw the apple core away and went back upstairs. She then took a shower and got ready for school. Since it was game day she wore her cheerleader uniform to school. She finished getting ready, grabbed her things and left. She really wished that she had her license because she hated riding the bus but next year she would have it because Mark promised that he would help her get it.

The bus pulled up and she got on and walked to the back. She found an empty seat and set down. This was her usual routine every morning. The afternoons she got a ride home with friends or Mark. She took out her cell phone and sent Mark a text. She loved her parents but here lately they have has a strained relationship. It started even before she started seeing Mark. She tried to talk to her parents but they were always so busy with whatever as well as drunk that they hardly paid attention to her. She was glad that her brother and sister were older and moved out months ago. Her sister asked her to move in with her but she lived an hour away that she would have to switch schools and it would be hard to see Mark.

She put her ear buds in her ears and listened to her i-pod on the way to school. There were a handful of high school kids who rode the bus but no one she talked too. The bus reached the high school and she took her ear buds out and turned her i-pod off. She stuck it and her cell phone in her bag and got up. She then got off the bus and headed to where her friends were at. She took out a cigarette and lit it. “Man I will be so glad when I get my license. “she said as she took a drag. All of her friends had their licenses and a car. “When are you getting them?” her best friend Amanda asked. “Soon because Mark is going to teach me how to drive since my parents are too busy.” she said. Amanda had been her best friend since grade school. She looked like a Barbie Doll and she was the head cheerleader. Amanda was smart too and was dating the quarterback of the football team. She had loving parents and they attended every game.

The first bell rang so she put her cigarette out and headed inside. Her first class was study hall and she was thankful because she did not get her assignments done because after she and Mark went out she studied for a test. “Hey you want to skip study hall?’ Amanda asked her. “Sorry I can’t I really need to do my homework. I got to keep my grades up so I can get a scholarship to college.” she said as she grabbed the books that she needed. She shut her locker and locked it then turned and walked away. She made it to study hall and took a seat towards the back. She then took out her i-pod and stuck the ear buds in her ears and did her homework.

Amanda always skipped study hall because she always did her homework at her part time job she had. She worked at her mother’s work as a phone receptionist and at times it was slow. Marissa wanted a part time job but with Mark, cheerleading, friends, and her homework she just did not have the time. She was not going to give up seeing Mark for a job. Besides Mark bought her anything she wanted and made sure that she had cash all the time. Her parents paid her cell phone bill and her internet usage. She even had credit cards that Mark paid for. When she got her license he promised her a car so she didn’t need a job. She had things made and did not feel bad at all. She then went back to her homework. She got done five minutes before the bell rang.

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